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MM Corporate



Innovative Workplace Engagement Solutions tailored to fit YOU & YOUR situation:

We work WITH you…to deliver SIGNIFICANT benefits, cost savings, risk management and flexibility…AND GUARANTEED Compliance with current Personal Services Income legislation

About Us


It goes without saying that structuring (or re-structuring of) workplace agreements entails an in-depth knowledge of the complexities across ALL of the relevant legislation.

Specifically, Contractor Compliance, Mitigation of Fair Work provisions, Workplace Re-engineering, Business Risk Management, Business Improvement Strategies, Industrial Relations and Human Resources.

In short, venturing into this ‘minefield’ is not something you would want to do without knowing you are working with some of the best Workplace Engagement Solutions experts in the country.

This is where the Workforce Advisors Group excels. The management team has the expertise, business acumen, lateral thinking processes and client commitment, to deliver outstanding solutions.

The management team brings to the table, international experience in senior executive roles, an unsurpassed expertise in the subject matter, and years of ‘coalface’ experience advising and consulting to all levels of businesses.

The team routinely consults with Companies and Independent Contractors to ensure ATO compliance under the Personal Services Income legislation 80/20 rule to ensure business risk is eliminated to all levels of businesses.

As an added benefit, where broader expertise might be called for, the group has access to an exclusive network of talent, resources, and contacts across a wide range of disciplines, available to provide valuable support and practical advice.

Workforce Advisors Group’s head office is located in Brisbane, Queensland with accredited associates located on the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Sydney and Perth with our Southern Regional office located in Melbourne.

About MM International Pty Ltd

MM INTERNATIONAL P/L founder and CEO, Martin J Morris is a recognised authority on peak performance and performance management. Martin is a renowned master sales person and trainer on the science of selling .Martin is a sought after motivational speaker and personal achievement success coach.



  1. Pingback: You could be paying up to 40% to much — Workforce-Advisors-Group « MM International - May 9, 2011

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MM International CEO Marty Morris

Martin Morris has developed an impressive career in direct sales, financial services, sales, sales training and management of large sales teams and human resources, particularly in brokerage business structures. Martin has over 25 years experience across a broad spectrum of markets from property to telecommunications, networking, e-commerce, insurance, financial planning and manufacturing. Business success has included successful participation in “ASX” listings and turnovers of $ 0 –$100 million
in 2-3 years from inception

Martin has been placed on the board of many public and private companies to work with the Executive Directors in entity design and the implementation of strategic organisation and management plans, specialising in market capitalisation and sales growth.

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