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Dan Cavalli -new book review

Marty J Morris CEO
MM International Pty Ltd
Masters in Success Dynamics
DAN CAVALLI- Blue print for making Millions
Master Strategies for Success in Business and Life
I have known Dan for more than 15 years and in that time I have worked for him and with him. As a salesperson in his team, as team manager for his team, as a national trainer for his company and as a fellow Director ,investor and shareholder in his Telecommunications enterprises.
I had the opportunity recently to share the afternoon with Dan at a little coffee shop in Brisbane, Qld. He presented a signed copy of his book, Blue Print for Making Millions. I get a lot of books given to or referred to me, this one I read that night.

Why? Dan is the Man, meaning that today there are few good men that actually walk the talk. Dan’s character and by that I mean just ‘what you say’ ‘you actually do!’ 24/7, not just in the sales presentations or when you can get away with it, all the time-that’s Dan.

He acts instead of reacting, thinks solutions instead of worrying, feels the fear and does anyway, steely eyed focused yet caring. Character is talked about today as a cliché; I define it as just pure old fashioned “John Wayne” toughness and discipline.

That is the thing Dan taught me the most, not by telling and selling but by showing. Dan is a living testimony that you can fail forward and succeed, his book confirms it and throws in a bunch of TIPS and examples that have made me millions and assisted me to teach thousands of others to do the same, in fact most of my companies training programs, courses, tools and teaching is based on Dan’s TIPS and associated systems why? Because they work.

Read this book and take action on the TIPS-they can and will change your life.

Thanks Dan for all the Mindset Moments you steered me through.
Aint it great to be alive
“Techniques and ideas without a corresponding principle and harnessed in a system rarely produce maximum efficiency”. M .Morris

About MM International Pty Ltd

MM INTERNATIONAL P/L founder and CEO, Martin J Morris is a recognised authority on peak performance and performance management. Martin is a renowned master sales person and trainer on the science of selling .Martin is a sought after motivational speaker and personal achievement success coach.


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MM International CEO Marty Morris

Martin Morris has developed an impressive career in direct sales, financial services, sales, sales training and management of large sales teams and human resources, particularly in brokerage business structures. Martin has over 25 years experience across a broad spectrum of markets from property to telecommunications, networking, e-commerce, insurance, financial planning and manufacturing. Business success has included successful participation in “ASX” listings and turnovers of $ 0 –$100 million
in 2-3 years from inception

Martin has been placed on the board of many public and private companies to work with the Executive Directors in entity design and the implementation of strategic organisation and management plans, specialising in market capitalisation and sales growth.

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